Weyland McKenzie - Witter is an Audio Artist, Creative Producer, Writer and People’s Archivist

Portrait by Aiden Harmitt Williams

An award nominated multidisciplinary Audio Artist, Creative Producer, Writer and People’s Archivist from Stoke Newington, London.

Weyland’s work focuses on using creative productions as a medium to tell people’s stories and histories.

Weyland is the founder and director of the NELLO production house.  He is an award nominated multidisciplinary Audio Artist, Creative producer and writer from London, UK. 

As an audio producer he has produced on Small Axe: The Podcast the companion for Steve McQueen’s award-winning series, Spotify’s award winning series Decode, BBC ‘s Obsessed With Line of Duty, The Echoic Archive for Somerset House,  as well developing and presenting The Black and The Green a BBC Radio 4 doc on climate change.

Weyland was a development producer on the guardian Cotton Capital .He was nominated for the “Best New Producer” award at the 2021 Audio Production Awards. 

He is currently the producer of the BBC 1Xtra Rap Show with Kenny Allstar.

Weyland’s upcoming work includes podcast with the Stephen Lawerence Research Centre, Transmission Roundhouse and more. 

As a musician my music has been played on BBC RADIO 1, BBC 1 XTRA, CAPITAL XTRA Rinse FM and more. I’ve sold out shows at The Roundhouse and Hackney’s Paper Dress Vintage.

As “Wey & Nephew” I have DJ’d for Audible, New Era, Bumble, Roundhouse, Soho House and more


Let the work speak for itself.

Let’s Create